
Limited Edition Jacob's Pillow Print by Maira Kalman

In honor of Jacob's Pillow and the reimagined Doris Duke Theatre, renowned artist, illustrator, writer, and designer Maira Kalman created A Day Without Dancing is a Wasted Day, which highlights her favorite Pillow campus qualities and characteristics.

For $3,500, take home this limited edition 19x14.7" print, which is a part of an edition of 35 prints and 5 artist proofs. All proceeds support the Pillow's Dance Unleashed campaign for the reimagined Doris Duke Theatre.

Please contact Lila Kanner, Chief Philanthropy Officer at lkanner(at)jacobspillow(dot)org or (413) 243-9919 x125 with questions and to discuss your participation further.

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$ 3,500


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Jacob’s Pillow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Due to an exchange of goods and services, the limited edition print by Maira Kalman is not tax-deductible.